Balagan Loves Creatives X Julia & Kasia Kempa

We discovered an incredible place thanks to the new guests of Balagan Loves Creatives, two sisters Julia and Kasia Kempa! Chojnów stable is a concept created by their father who always dreamed about opening a place focused on passion for horse-riding and horses. Julia takes care of the complex and the restaurant located nearby. She admits that she’s missing the lively times of this place, when the guests could come to try the local specialties. Her dream is to publish a cookbook with all her culinary inspirations. Julia is also fascinated with Argentine, a place she has been visiting for years. She is also trying to recreate its atmosphere in the restaurant.

Julia's and Kasia's Balagan choices are Chelsea Negew i Arava.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Anna Dziewit-Meller 

Our new guest of #BalaganLovesCreatives is Anna Dziewit-Meller – writer and journalist. Ania is an author of novels, reportages and books for children. Recently, she was appointed the editor-in-chief of the Edition House WAB – congratulations! Now she’s working on a new book about reading and she's been doing a lot of it lately. Anna told us she likes coming back to the titles that shaped her. Now she notices completely different things than when she read them for the first time. Thanks to this she can appreciate them even more.

Anna's Balagan choice is Ringo boots.

Balagan Loves Creatives x Basia Starecka

This time, our guest for Balagan Loves Creatives is Basia Starecka, the creator of Nakarmiona blog. Basia writes about food, on her website you can find easy, but unique recipes, reviews of restaurants and culinary guides. Nobody describes Asian dishes like her, after reading the texts, we instantly want to start experimenting in the kitchen. Basia loves eating, she says that different people constantly ask her how she can fit into her clothes. Her answer is - I burn calories by thinking. 

Basia's Balagan choice is Tzava Brown Croco

Balagan Loves Creatives X Malwina Konopacka

Meet Malwina Konopacka the new guest of Balagan Loves Creatives! Malwina is an illustrator and designer. She is the one standing behind the unique, ceramic, hand-painted items – vases and platters – which cannot be mistaken for designs of any other creator. Have a look at her workshop. For her creativity means finding your own, often unconventional, artistic practice. 

Malwina's Balagan choice are:  Migdal Heels Black SuedeMigdal Heels Red Suede

Balagan loves Creatives x Justyna Kosmala

The heroine of our new Balagan Loves Creative photoshoot is Justyna Kosmala. Co-founder of our favourite, atmospheric places in Warsaw - Charlotte and Wozownia. When it comes to gastronomical business creativity is key and it can be expressed in many different ways. For Justyna it means sticking to your own ideas and connecting various distant associations in order to create something new. Her restaurants are well known not only for the incredible menu, but also interiors, which create a unique atmosphere. Coming in, you get the feeling of being welcomed to stay for a long time.

Justyna's Balagan choice is Kemet Pink.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Agata Napiórska

Our next amazing female from the Balagan Loves Creatives series is Agata Napiórska – a journalist and a translator, a published writer and an editor-in-chief of the “Zwykłe Życie” (Normal Life) magazine, which focuses on simple stories about life and work of various interesting people. Thanks to her we can learn about the lives of polish craftsmen, artists, photographers, illustrators, writers, and autodidacts.

Agata's Balagan choices are: Opera Shoes Red i Opera Shoes Black.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Zuza Zasacka

Zuza Zasacka is the new guest of our series Balagan Loves Creatives! She has an art history major and is an educator interested in everything connected to culture, especially the arts, for example working with Zachęta and Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw on children’s workshops. Zuza isn’t very fond of the word creativity as she found it’s starting to become a cliché. For her, the most important part of creating is being opened to freedom and unconventional ideas.

Zuza's Balagan choices is: Opera Shoes

Balagan Loves Creatives X Beata Chomątkowska

Meet Beata Chomątowska, our next heroine from Balagan Loves Creatives series, in which we present the profiles of women whom we admire. Beata is a writer and journalist. She is the author of several books and co-author of the temporary exhibit "Tu Muranów", which will open in September at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Her first book "Stacja Muranów " has been revealing the complicated and difficult history of Muranów district in Warsaw. For her recent one - "Betonia" - she was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Prize. We asked her what does creativity mean to her.

Beata's Balagan choice is Shuk Fanny Pack Natural.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Ala Gabillaud

We are pleased to present you Alicja Gabillaud – she makes one of the best donuts in Warsaw in her small independent pastry store MISSMELLOW, that serves homemade baked nostalgic desserts and spoiling, sweet breakfasts.

Ala'a Balagan choise is Shuk Fanny Pack Black.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Anna Kopito

“I created Telavivian for myself and other newcomers of this city. Today I am happy to be calling it my home."

Anna Kopito is a founder of Telavivian- most popular Tel Aviv online magazine and platform featuring the local art, design, fashion, music and culinary scenes

Her Balagan choices are: Opera Shoes and Erev Bag Black.

Balagan Loves Creatives X Marcel Kaczmarek

“I make my own visual experiments with ugliness. To me nice means 'different'. Original, strange. Interesting is the new nice.“

Quote from: P+Control no.4

Marcel is an excellent graphic designer. He studied in London College of Communication and graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

He is a good friend too.

Check out his works on

His Balagan choice is Avoda Bag

Balagan Loves Creatives X Sarah Peguine

“I love using Snapchat to share my arty crushes, like a visit to a new exhibition, or to an artist's studio. It's also a great tool to discover people's work process. It shows the fun behind the scenes,a glimpse into their creative world!"

Sarah is an art advisor and social media expert. She connects these two like none else can. Sarah knows everything about the Tel Aviv's art scene. She founded the most prominent platform about Israeli contemporary art - Oh So Arty. Her knowledge on the social network’s role in the art world is stunning. She’s also a Snapchat & Instagram master.

Her Balagan choice is Bag Yom L

Balagan Loves Creatives X Maria Sokołowska

"Creativity is the cornerstone of writing, everything starts with a new idea for an alternative reality...Hmm, word 'cornerstone’ sounds like I’m hundred years old."

Marynka deals with literature on various fronts - as an editor, scholar and writer. Her articles and short stories have been published in many magazines.

Her Balagan choice is Shuk Nude

Balagan Loves Creatives X Gin Lee

“It takes creativity to be in the mind of hundreds of women."

Gin- fashion designer, owner of Ginlee Studio. Based in Tel Aviv and Singapore.

Her Balagan choice is Shuk Nude

Balagan Loves Creatives X Noy Goz

"People don't know how easy it is when you work with people you love."

Noy is one of the tree designers from TRES טרס.

Her Balagan choice is YOM M

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